337 El Dorado St, Ste A3, Monterey, California, 93940-4647
Dr. Edward Ramirez is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Monterey, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 17 patients. They are currently a part of the The Fertility and Gynecology Center clinic team, and attended medical school at Stanford U..
Net promoter score reflects how likely a patient is to recommend their reproductive endocrinologist to a friend. It reflects overall patient experiences, from reception through to post-procedure care. As such, it’s an important metric to consider when choosing an REI to act as your fertility specialist.
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"Dr. Ramirez was great, he always explained everything until we understood, no matter how many times we called. His team was so kind and knowledgeable, and available to help us. "
Dr. Ramierez is patient, kind, and thorough. He let us try IUI even though I was close to age 40. He was supportive and positive even after multiple failed attempts. He was supportive during my miscarriage and he took care of me through that tragedy.
"Dr. Ramirez's schedule was very rigid and inflexible, but he did his best to accommodate those needs. This caused some very stressful situations with my husband and I. We had to be at his office at a set time for every appointment, even though there was no way to
Dr. Edward Ramerez is wonderful. He is very communicative and he is also willing to provide after hours help. He has a ton of experience and he really is best doctor at Reproductive Medicine & Science. I tried a lot of doctors and I was not successful until Dr.