Dr. John Nulsen

2 Batterson Park Rd, Farmington, Connecticut, 06032-2568

Dr. John Nulsen is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Farmington, Connecticut. They've been operating since 2005 and have received reviews from 14 patients. They are currently a part of the Center for Advanced Reproductive Services (UCONN Medical) clinic team, and attended medical school at Case Western.

Review Summary

FertilityIQ Review Score
Dr. John Nulsen
Top 23%
Top XX% in the USA
RateMDs Review Score
ZocDoc Review Score

Patient Experience Scores

Bedside Manner Score
Patient reported empathy score, from 1 to 100.
Top 55%
in the USA
Communication Score
Patient reported communication score, from 1 to 100
Top 41%
in the USA
Availability Score
Patient reported score for responsiveness & availability, scored from 1 to 100.
Top 41%
in the USA
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Net Promoter Scoree

Fertility Specialist Net Promoter Score

Net promoter score reflects how likely a patient is to recommend their reproductive endocrinologist to a friend. It reflects overall patient experiences, from reception through to post-procedure care. As such, it’s an important metric to consider when choosing an REI to act as your fertility specialist.
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Diminished Ovarian Reserve
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Bottom 25%
National Average
Top 25%
Doctor NPS
Dr. John Nulsen
Net Promoter Score
Dr. John Nulsen
has an
average patient
net promoter
score of
. This places
them in the
top 1%
of reproductive
across the USA.
This NPS was
collected from
a total of
reviews, placing
Dr. John Nulsen
top 41%
of REI's
across the
United States.

Advanced Fertility Associates Medical Reviews

Verified Patient
Dr. Nulsen is kind and compassionate. He would call me personally when my cycle was unsuccessful and offer his guidance. When I was a poor responder to treatment, he was very thoughtful with the dosage we chose.
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Verified Patient
Dr. Nulsen was just awesome. He is down to earth, friendly and helpful. He makes you feel like you matter and wants to help you get the best results possible. He is always available via email and phone if you have questions. You don't feel like a number,
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Verified Patient
Dr. Nulsen was patient, kind, and knowledgeable. He was receptive to our questions and follow up.
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Verified Patient
"Dr. Nulsen was very knowledgeable and compassionate. He was very patient with us and was there for us whenever we needed him. He is truly an amazing person and even though we are no longer patients of his, I would definitely want him to be there for us if we had
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Verified Patient
"The letrozole was an adjustment for me because I knew I was fertile on my own and knew this medicine was known to be a hard drug to be on in many people. I think it took about 4 cycles to get my body to adjust. In the beginning I had headaches
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Verified Patient
Dr. Nulsen is highly intelligent, empathetic, and always willing to answer questions. He calls with updates, and doesn't rush you.
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Verified Patient
Dr. Nulsen gave thorough explanations for each step of my IVF process and a clear vision of what I could expect.
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