Dr. Victor Fujimoto

2356 Sutter St, San Francisco, California, 94115-3006

Dr. Victor Fujimoto is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Francisco, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 13 patients. They are currently a part of the UCSF clinic team, and attended medical school at UCSD.

Review Summary

FertilityIQ Review Score
Dr. Victor Fujimoto
Bottom 33%
Top XX% in the USA
RateMDs Review Score
ZocDoc Review Score

Patient Experience Scores

Bedside Manner Score
Patient reported empathy score, from 1 to 100.
Bottom 33%
in the USA
Communication Score
Patient reported communication score, from 1 to 100
Bottom 33%
in the USA
Availability Score
Patient reported score for responsiveness & availability, scored from 1 to 100.
Bottom 33%
in the USA
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Net Promoter Scoree

Fertility Specialist Net Promoter Score

Net promoter score reflects how likely a patient is to recommend their reproductive endocrinologist to a friend. It reflects overall patient experiences, from reception through to post-procedure care. As such, it’s an important metric to consider when choosing an REI to act as your fertility specialist.
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Diminished Ovarian Reserve
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Bottom 25%
National Average
Top 25%
Doctor NPS
Dr. Victor Fujimoto
Net Promoter Score
Dr. Victor Fujimoto
has an
average patient
net promoter
score of
. This places
them in the
bottom 33%
of reproductive
across the USA.
This NPS was
collected from
a total of
reviews, placing
Dr. Victor Fujimoto
top 42%
of REI's
across the
United States.

Advanced Fertility Associates Medical Reviews

Verified Patient
"He is a great doctor and person. He has been through infertility himself and really takes your feelings into account."
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Verified Patient
: I was very nervous about my procedure and the staff was caring and supportive. I got the results I wanted. After my procedure, it was discovered that embryos with a different genetic father were implanted. I felt this issue was handled well.
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Verified Patient
Dr. F has a decent manner, but can confuse patients with one of their egg donors. My biggest issue is that he knew I had Endo, but waited until the 4th year of treatment to introduce a pill regime.
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Verified Patient
Dr. Fujimoto is excellent, and the team is very responsive to patient needs, even early in the morning!
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Verified Patient
"Dr. Kuo was direct and to the point. He did not sugarcoat any of the facts of our situation. While this may not be for everyone, I appreciated the no-nonsense nature of his care. He is very honest in his assessments and suggestions of how to proceed
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Verified Patient
I was disappointed that Dr. Fujimoto did not seem committed to our personal process. I felt uninformed, and uncomfortable at times during treatment.
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Verified Patient
"Dr. Fujimoto is very experienced. He told us that if we did not conceive with IVF he would not want to do anymore invasive treatments in the future and he also encouraged us to consider adoption. He is very clear about what he can and cannot do and tells you exactly what
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Verified Patient
Dr. Fujimoto helped us achieve success on our first attempt, and helped us avoid the stressors that could have delayed our success. He was kind, caring, and always made my wife and I feel like we were his number one priority.
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Verified Patient
He forgot basic information about my profile, asked me to fill out paperwork already completed, and often forgot details of my case.
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Verified Patient
Dr. Fujimoto was respectful of my need for data-based information. However, his support staff seemed to get in the way of me talking with him directly.
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Verified Patient
"Dr. Fujimoto was very knowledgeable, and did a good job of tailoring his response to my specific situation. His research knowledge is clearly top notch, and he was also honest about the limitations of evidence in some areas. I felt that he listened to my concerns, and was very
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Verified Patient
Dr. Fujimoto is the clinic's eternal optimist and never failed to encourage me that I was still on track for success. He was as invested in our long term success as he was in our short term attempts, and was always available to answer questions I had regarding my many in-
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