Lilia Reproductive Endocrinologist Near MeSan Jose

Reproductive Endocrinologist
San Jose California

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Best Reproductive Endocrinologists Near Me: San Jose, California

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Dr. Sandy Chuan

Dr. Sandy Chuan

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Dr. Sandy Chuan is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in La Jolla, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 35 patients. They are currently a part of the San Diego Fertility Center clinic team, and attended medical school at UCLA.
Dr. Evan Rosenbluth

Dr. Evan Rosenbluth

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Dr. Evan Rosenbluth is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Orinda, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 27 patients. They are currently a part of the Reproductive Science Center clinic team, and attended medical school at Tulane.
Dr. Gihan Bareh

Dr. Gihan Bareh

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Dr. Gihan Bareh is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Loma Linda, California. They've been operating since 2011 and have received reviews from 20 patients. They are currently a part of the Loma Linda University clinic team, and attended medical school at Suez Canal.
Dr. Michael Synn

Dr. Michael Synn

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Dr. Michael Synn is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Clovis, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 18 patients. They are currently a part of the Women's Specialty & Fertility Center clinic team, and attended medical school at U. of California Davis.
Dr. Isiah Harris

Dr. Isiah Harris

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Dr. Isiah Harris is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Redwood City, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 18 patients. They are currently a part of the Spring Fertility clinic team, and attended medical school at UCSF.
Dr. Meredith Brower

Dr. Meredith Brower

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Dr. Meredith Brower is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Santa Monica, California. They've been operating since 2008 and have received reviews from 15 patients. They are currently a part of the Kindbody clinic team, and attended medical school at USC.
Dr. Deborah Wachs

Dr. Deborah Wachs

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Dr. Deborah Wachs is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Jose, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 15 patients. They are currently a part of the Reproductive Science Center clinic team, and attended medical school at Georgetown.
Dr. Marli Amin

Dr. Marli Amin

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Dr. Marli Amin is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Westminster, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 14 patients. They are currently a part of the Reproductive Partners Medical Group clinic team, and attended medical school at U. of Vermont.
Dr. Sunny Jun

Dr. Sunny Jun

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Dr. Sunny Jun is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Fremont, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 14 patients. They are currently a part of the CCRM San Francisco clinic team, and attended medical school at Boston U..
Dr. Carolyn Alexander

Dr. Carolyn Alexander

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Dr. Carolyn Alexander is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Santa Monica, California. They've been operating since 2010 and have received reviews from 20 patients. They are currently a part of the Southern California Reproductive Center clinic team, and attended medical school at UCLA.
Dr. Aykut Bayrak

Dr. Aykut Bayrak

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Dr. Aykut Bayrak is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Pasadena, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 58 patients. They are currently a part of the LA IVF clinic team, and attended medical school at Ankara U..
Dr. Ruth Lathi

Dr. Ruth Lathi

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Dr. Ruth Lathi is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Palo Alto, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 18 patients. They are currently a part of the Stanford University clinic team, and attended medical school at UCSF.
Dr. C. Terence Lee

Dr. C. Terence Lee

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Dr. C. Terence Lee is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Yuba City, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 94 patients. They are currently a part of the Fertility Care of Orange County clinic team, and attended medical school at U. of California Irvine.
Dr. Pravin Goud

Dr. Pravin Goud

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Dr. Pravin Goud is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Davis, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 11 patients. They are currently a part of the California IVF: Davis Fertility Center clinic team, and attended medical school at U. of Mumbai.
Dr. Irene Moy

Dr. Irene Moy

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Dr. Irene Moy is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Roseville, California. They've been operating since 2010 and have received reviews from 11 patients. They are currently a part of the Kaiser Permanente NorCal clinic team, and attended medical school at Northwestern.
Dr. Clemens Grosskinsky

Dr. Clemens Grosskinsky

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Dr. Clemens Grosskinsky is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Walnut Creek, California. They've been operating since 2005 and have received reviews from 11 patients. They are currently a part of the Kaiser Permanente NorCal clinic team, and attended medical school at SUNY.
Dr. Danielle Lane

Dr. Danielle Lane

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Dr. Danielle Lane is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Vacaville, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 10 patients. They are currently a part of the Lane Fertility Institute clinic team, and attended medical school at U. of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Janie Hirata

Dr. Janie Hirata

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Dr. Janie Hirata is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Oakland, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 9 patients. They are currently a part of the Kaiser Permanente NorCal clinic team, and attended medical school at Wayne State.
Dr. Mark Rispler

Dr. Mark Rispler

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Dr. Mark Rispler is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Manhattan Beach, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 16 patients. They are currently a part of the Innovative Fertility Center clinic team, and attended medical school at Med Col of Virgina.
Dr. Hal Danzer

Dr. Hal Danzer

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Dr. Hal Danzer is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Beverly Hills, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 24 patients. They are currently a part of the Southern California Reproductive Center clinic team, and attended medical school at St. Louis U..
Dr. Alison Peck

Dr. Alison Peck

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Dr. Alison Peck is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Encino, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 11 patients. They are currently a part of the HRC Fertility clinic team, and attended medical school at Tel Aviv U..
Dr. David Smotrich

Dr. David Smotrich

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Dr. David Smotrich is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in La Jolla, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 12 patients. They are currently a part of the Eden Centers for Advanced Fertility clinic team, and attended medical school at Tel Aviv U..
Dr. Max Ezzati

Dr. Max Ezzati

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Dr. Max Ezzati is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Jose, California. They've been operating since 2008 and have received reviews from 7 patients. They are currently a part of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation clinic team, and attended medical school at Tehran U..
Dr. Daniel Rychlik

Dr. Daniel Rychlik

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Dr. Daniel Rychlik is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Santa Barbara, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 31 patients. They are currently a part of the Southern California Reproductive Center clinic team, and attended medical school at U. of Illinois.
Dr. John Gould

Dr. John Gould

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Dr. John Gould is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Oakland, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 19 patients. They are currently a part of the Northern California Fertility Medical Center clinic team, and attended medical school at U of California Davis.
Dr. John Jain

Dr. John Jain

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Dr. John Jain is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Santa Monica, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 9 patients. They are currently a part of the Santa Monica Fertility clinic team, and attended medical school at USC.
Dr. Francis Polansky

Dr. Francis Polansky

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Dr. Francis Polansky is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Palo Alto, California. They've been operating since 2007 and have received reviews from 4 patients. They are currently a part of the Bay IVF clinic team, and attended medical school at Charles.
Dr. Melanie Landay

Dr. Melanie Landay

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Dr. Melanie Landay is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Sherman Oaks, California. They've been operating since 2008 and have received reviews from 8 patients. They are currently a part of the Valley Center clinic team, and attended medical school at UCLA.
Dr. Deborah Ikhena-Abel

Dr. Deborah Ikhena-Abel

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Dr. Deborah Ikhena-Abel is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Sunnyvale, California. They've been operating since 2010 and have received reviews from 4 patients. They are currently a part of the Kaiser Permanente NorCal clinic team, and attended medical school at Dartmouth.
Dr. Valerie Baker

Dr. Valerie Baker

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Dr. Valerie Baker is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Jose, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 3 patients. They are currently a part of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute clinic team, and attended medical school at Harvard.
Dr. Anthony Dobson

Dr. Anthony Dobson

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Dr. Anthony Dobson is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Fremont, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 5 patients. They are currently a part of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation clinic team, and attended medical school at UCLA.
Dr. Alexis Kim

Dr. Alexis Kim

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Dr. Alexis Kim is a Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Jose, California. They've been operating since 2006 and have received reviews from 333 patients. They are currently a part of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation clinic team, and attended medical school at Vanderbilt.

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